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coolness - Find out if you are cool enough to hang about with the cool crew!
How well do you know Osana najimi? - This will show if you know Osana Najimi
Are you a Pentaholic? - Hello! This is a quiz of you are a Pentaholic or not, are you a Pentaholic? Take this quiz to find out
Would You Rather? - The other one is too negative, I mean shooting your Grandma or your Mum? I decided to create a more lighthearted one.
Pokemon Quiz - Just a test to see are you the BEST pokemon nerd evah!
Are you my kind of girl? - Take this to see if you're the girl I'm looking for!! XD
Do you stand up for yourself - Are you really as confident as you should be?
Are you a noob or pro in Minecraft? - Please read the top before taking this test. Enjoy!
*The Werwolf Test* - Are You A Werewolf
Are You a True Tomboy? - (This test was made by a real tomboy) Find out right now today!
How bad do you have to pee - D you have to pee right now? Well it is ttime to find out!
Da wird speeelling tezt - Sooooooooooo wird
What hunger games character are you like - This will show you what character you are from the beloved movie and book
DRAGON BALLZ TEST - This test can tell how often you watch dbz
Do you have mermaid powers - Do you have mermaid powers

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